This is an approach to finding and connecting to your true innate Spiritual self. Through talking, discovering, restructuring belief systems, clearing energy fields and learning true Biofeedback processes to do at home you can grow and evolve into a higher functioning Being.
This service is offered in-person and via DNA samples ie: hair, nails, and saliva swabs and can be offered to individuals that live at distances or in other states.
The SpectraVision technology is used to identify sensitivities and sources of imbalance in the physical and emotional bodies caused by stress and environmental toxicities. $250 2-3 hours
The Access Bars® is a treatment that involves gently touching 32 points on your head. This releases anything that doesn't allow you to receive. These points (aka bars) contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that you have stored in any lifetime. This is an opportunity for you to let go of everything that no longer serves you or is blocking your abundance.
The Access Energetic Facelift is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face and reverse the signs of aging on the face and throughout the entire body. The gentle soothing touch applied to your face and neck works with your body’s cells to restore, enliven and rejuvenate. $88/hour
NADA involves the gentle placement of up to five small, sterilized disposable needles into specific sites on each ear. The recipient sits quietly for 30 minutes allowing the treatment to take effect. NADA ear acupuncture is an adjunct therapy that is clinically effective, cost-efficient, drug-free, and compatible cross-culturally.
$25 per 1/2 hour
The Revive Cleanse Ionic Detox Foot Bath involves filling a foot bathtub with clean water and adding sea salt which is high in mineral content. An array or water module is connected to the Revive Cleanse control box is placed in the water. This results in positive and negatively charged ions being circulated through the body of the Detox Foot bath therapy subject. These ions circulate primarily via the lymphatic and circulatory systems, which bathe cells throughout the body, acting as magnets to attract the oppositely charged ions of toxins, heavy metals and cellular waste.
$36 for 1/2 hour
LumiCeuticals Harmonic Light Therapy Systems deliver the ultimate biological nutrient of Light with the tuning power of Pulsed Resonant Frequency to profoundly benefit your mind, body, and spirit. LumiCeuticals Systems safely and comfortably deliver light wavelengths throughout the body. Our red/infrared pads increase circulation and relieve pain.
$120 per session for a total of 10 Sessions
Restore the body’s ability to heal
The Spinal Flow® Technique is a philosophy, a science, and an intuitive, hands-on approach that prompts our spine and nervous system to release stress and help heal itself.
There is an innate intelligence inside every human body to grow, repair and heal itself. Just as our gut digests our food, our hair grows and our heart beats naturally, our bodies know how to harness this innate intelligence – or Life Force Energy – to heal and grow.
The spine and nervous system is the pathway through which Life Force Energy flows. Unreleased stress creates a blockage in the spine which prevents the flow of Life Force Energy.
By releasing stress stored in the spine, a Spinal Flow Practitioner helps restore the flow of healing Life Force Energy through every vertebrae in the spine and to every cell in the body.
The Spinal Flow Technique is a complete modality which allows you to
Interpret the messages of the body which show as pain, dis-ease and other symptoms
Identify where stress is stored in the spine
Release spinal blockages
Restore the flow of Life Force Energy
Awaken the Spinal Flow
Allow the body’s innate intelligence to heal pain, illness and dis-ease.
$80 for first appt. includes Body & Blockage assessment + first 1/2 hour session
(a plan can be discussed after this first appointment)
$33 for follow up 1/2 hour sessions
LumiCeuticals Harmonic Light Therapy Systems deliver the ultimate biological nutrient of Light with the tuning power of Pulsed Resonant Frequency to profoundly benefit your mind, body, and spirit. LumiCeuticals Systems safely and comfortably deliver light wavelengths throughout the body. Our red/infrared pads increase circulation and relieve pain.
$50 for 40 minutes $60 for 50 minutes